Opening Stats:
Weight 284 Lbs or 20.3 Stone or 128.8 Kilograms
Neck 18.5"
Chest 51"
Midsection 50"
Waist 45"
Hip 47"
Bicep 15.5"
Quad 25.5"
Calf 17"
Waist 45 inches? No wonder the 42s are feeling a bit tight! Well, today a wager has been undertaken among myself and 2 friends to see who can loose 30lbs first. Each of us has begun running. Today is week 3 for me. I did 3 miles tonight. My time was 30 minutes 24 seconds which I must say is a tad disappointing to me. I thought I was doing great. I was trucking along and it felt as though I was really cranking. I didn't look at my watch but when I finished the loop and stopped the watch I couldn't believe my time. More than 30 minutes. That's greater than 10 minutes per mile. I will keep running. I will keep running. I will succeed. Anyway...tonight I was wearing a new pair of shoes with which I am a bit disappointed. Next time I won't be blinded by a sale. Anyway, I did need a new pair of sneakers to walk around in. I am going to also start being careful about what I eat. I am going to make sure that the fuel I intake will help me kick some butt.
I am not happy about where my stats are, but I am happy to have a starting point from which to judge my progress. If I remember way back to when I started running, I couldn't run 5 minutes with out having to stop and tonight I ran more than 30. I'm on the road to Disney, but for the short term, I have New Haven on December 10th. I have a 5 mile run scheduled for this Sunday. I want to get through them.
I'll write more later...
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Dave - keep up your hard work. It's a long road - I've done it myself - but it can be done and you can do it. And you'll never be the same person afterwards - truly. I still feel that running confronts me with myself every day - the good, the bad and the extremely ugly aspects of myself - but, to paraphrase Nemo - just keep running, just keep running, just keep running, running, running.. All the little bits come together and make you a runner! You've set that first step, just concentrate on the next one and don't let the long road ahead put you off.
Great job in getting started! Don't feel too discouraged with a 10+ min/mile pace. That really is not bad to start out.
I started running back in January this year and was between 11 and 12 min/mile. Yesterday I ran a 5K race at an 8:42 min/mile pace! Your time will come down, but it takes time.
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