Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Journey of a Thousand Miles...

24,400 miles to go and around the world I'd have plodded...My work schedule of late has made it really tough to stay on track with my training plan. Ok Ok, I know that that is just an excuse. I don't have to go to all of the team dinners and drink-ups. I'm close to maintaining the weekly miles and am keeping up with the Sunday long runs. In fact, I'm hoping to post on Sunday to say that I've just broken the double digit barrier.

Yesterday, I went out for a 3 miler and ended up running the 3 in 27:54. A PR. Today is an easy day and tomorrow is long and slow. I am getting closer to the 1/2 marathon date and am looking forward to it.

Talk about rambling, I'm all over the place today. Anyway, with my travel schedule, the running is the only thing that is keeping me sane.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Running and Being

It's official, I'm registered to run the Long Island 1/2 marathon! I've been following the Higdon 1/2 training plan and have about 7 weeks til race day. I have been modifying the plan a bit to fit my schedule. I've been keeping up with the weekly mileage and am looking forward to the run in Long Island. My friend Chris and I are planning on running together and our goals for this year are to finish the races. I'm running about a 10:17 - 10:30 mile for my long runs and this seems comfortable but for the "race", I'm looking forward to spending some time on the road with my friends.

Thanks to you who've commented on my posts. I am lucky to be part of this virtual running community and hope that we may cross paths at a race someday.

Work has been keeping me busy. Last week I got to do a 5 miler around Baltimore's Inner-Harbor and a 4.5 miler around Boston. I will be spending a lot of time over the next few weeks in Baltimore so I plan on checking out Run the Planet for running ideas. The bad thing about the extra travel is that I'm away from my family, but I will have the opportunity to do more cross training because the hotels I've been staying at have some nice elipticals and rowing machines. What is amazing to me is that in the past the thought of doing any type of cardio was anathema and now I cant think of not doing some sort of exercise. I am amazed at the changes in my being. I've given up the restricted diet but am focusing on making little and gradual changes. I want this to be a way of life not just a change of some sort that may revert back to old ways of being.

I hope this post finds you well and plan to write more soon.
