Thursday, April 26, 2007

One week and one long run to go...

It has been almost a month since my last post. I've logged a few miles, been swamped with work and am looking forward to the Long Island 1/2 Marathon on May 6th.

I've been on a project that has taken me to Baltimore for work and I've been commuting there for the past 6 weeks and have a few more to go before I can work from home again.

I have an 11 miler planed for Sunday and if I can make it through that then I will be confident for the following Sunday when I am going to run 13.1 with my friend Chris. I have some tendonitis in my right ankle and I'm starting to feel some pain in my right knee. I plan on cutting back after the 1/2; I just want to tick this goal off of my list.

I will put a pre-race post and then a race report. I'm just concerned about my joints, the pains and the self doubt. I do find it interesting how full of doubt I am. I will just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I know this is short, I've been running, I just haven't been good about writing...I'll write more later.

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