Friday, December 15, 2006

Big Boned Runners

I just ordered a new pair of kicks and found my heart rate monitor strap. I am all set for running into the new year!

It's funny, when I started down this road, I was looking for any excuse to not run and would talk myself into why I shouldn't be running. I didn't listen to the voice this time, I kept putting one foot in front of the other. After the 5K in New Haven, I thought that my 5 day a week plan was too much and that I should move down to a 4 day a week running plan. Well, I did 3 on Tuesday, 4.5 on Wednesday and 3 today, Friday. I'm scheduled for 5 on Sunday which would be the 4 for the week however...I'm thinking of sneaking in 2 miles tomorrow. I'm a running Junkie!

Seriously though, I'm really excited because my girls have hinted that they would like to run too so I will take them out for a short run. We're going to start out really slow and short and just work on consistency. Runners World had a great article about some Nuns who worked at this orphanage and they started taking the kids on a run every day. I thought that was great and wished that I had had exercise built into me growing up. (,7120,s6-243-297--9987-0,00.html) We're not going to push, we're going out to have fun.

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