Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Not Really The First Night

I've tried to be constant with my running. The operative word is "tried". I did overcome my inertia and went out for about 3.5 miles tonight. I ran for 33:15. It was about 51 degrees Fahrenheit; just the way I like it. I went out at 8:00 pm after a long day with 2 hrs of commuting. I think the commute has been making it difficult for me to run...nah, I've been making it difficult. I do feel better when I'm able to stay consistent. I've been more consistent because I have been playing in an Old Boy's Rugby league. The season is just over but I do know that I have a long way to get my fitness to a level where I can be an effective player.

I've wanted to run a marathon and that is what I usually put as my goal, forget that I cant run 5 miles and I think that the marathon is the race distance that I have my sights on. Well I do have a marathon on my calendar. The Disney Marathon in January 2008. In small chunks, I will make that race distance. I think I should focus on a 5K in this short term.

I need to also focus on being consistant. I want to run 3 - 4 days per week and cross train 2 - 3 times. I plan to use this forum as a running chronicle of my road to Disney. I need to keep in mind is that it is the journey not the destination. I will just keep plodding along.

I've tried to keep a running journal but have not been very consistent with my entries. I am planning on keeping this up to date.

I am starting out at about 284lbs and will record my resting pulse tomorrow. I will also try to figure out how to differentiate this chronicle from all the other chronicles out there. The one thing I know that makes this different from all the rest is that it is my journey. I want to document my path. I've let life live me for so long that I am going to take control. I will attain a level of fitness that I will feel comfortable with.

Until the next time...

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